Sunday, May 1, 2011

Carl Polley / Chinese Literature


  1. 1. Many Confucian sayings and proverbs reflect Confucius' strong emphasis on government, structure, and education. Despite his stress on the importance of education and qualification for government officials, during his time, China still had an emperor, who was chosen via a blood line. How did Confucius feel about this structure of government?

    2. What was Confucius' view/opinion on the role of women?

  2. 1. Confucius believes that if people didn't follow the rules and did their own thing, the world will fall into chaos. But does he talk about what the people should do if the rules are corrupt?
    2. Ququezi says that the sage does not blindly cling to Tao. Is he trying to say that one must carefully analyze their beliefs?

  3. 1. Do you hold similar beliefs to the beliefs of Mencius?

    2. Some of Mencius's sayings are a little confusing and hard to understand. Is Mencius's beliefs and sayings still popular in China today? If so, in what ways do people show their support toward him?

  4. In many other cultures, the youth in this day have strayed away from strict adherence to cultural traditions. Do young people in this day adhere to Chinese traditions as closely as past generations? For example; in gift giving, festival celebrating and religion? In what ways?

    If in any way, how does American culture affect Chinese youth culture?

  5. 1. In your opinion, how do stories differ between Chinese and American cultures?

    2. What kind of impact does nature have on Chinese Literature?

  6. 1. Confucius says to obey authority, but what if authority is wrong and corrupt?

    2. Is he forgiving for childhood innocence?

  7. Wang Ni says "the perfect man is divine...unaffected by life and death". How does this belief shape Chinese culture?

    Do you believe in Confucius's teachings? How is Confucius seen in Chinese culture and literature?

  8. 1. Where did Mencius pull most of his ideas from?

    2. What is Mencius' stand on mourning?
