Monday, March 14, 2011

Indonesia: Emiyanti

Post your questions under Comments:


  1. Tourism:

    1. Because Indonesia has so many different cultures, islands, and languages mixed into one nation, when people travel to Indonesia do they visit only the main cities such as Jakarta and Bali? How many islands/ different provinces does the average tourists go? Are there any places you would recommend?

    2. How would you compare Hawaii's tourism economy with Indonesia's? Hawaii focuses a lot on the resorts and luxury side of tourism while presenting a lot of traditional Hawaiian culture along with it, but because Indonesia contains so many different cultures how do they market that to tourists?

    Nicole O-Y

  2. Tourism:

    Indonesia is such an exotic and beautiful place. Is there a place in Indonesia that is similar to Hawaii's Polynesian Cultural Center, where they share the culture with tourist?

    If a visitor goes to Bali, does he/she get a taste of authentic Indonesian culture?

  3. How does the Indonesian Constitution's statement of freedom of religion and the First Principle of the State Philosophy' "Pancasila"(belief in one God) play a role in the Indonesian's culture? How does the government balance these two different philosophies?

    How does religion play a role in the government and politics?

  4. With a culture so intertwined with religion, what are the churches like in Indonesia (perhaps in comparison with the church congregations in America)? Are most Indonesian people involved in a church and are they very involved?

    It is my impression that the Indonesian religions (Muslim, Buddhism, Christianity etc.) are worshipped with a hint, mixture, or background of Hinduism. Is this more or less true?

  5. In Indonesia there is freedom of religion by the law, but what do people of different sects of religion in Indonesia think of each other?

    What religion do you feel is most associated with Indonesia? What was the religion of Indonesia before more western influence came to the country?

  6. Since Indonesia has people of different belief systems, are there any clashes? Have there been fights in the past?

    How has western influence affect the culture in Indonesia. Do people dress differently because of western influence.
