Wednesday, April 13, 2011

7:30 Emerson Odango Questions

Post questions for Emerson by clicking on Comments:


  1. Love:

    Why are there restrictions on men and women spending time alone together? How/where/why did these restrictions start?

    Do men have more rights than women? Does your society treat women more harshly than men?

  2. FOOD:

    1) Two foods that need to be imported are rice and canned meats. How big are these two foods in the culture? Are there similar foods grown locally that could replace them? About how much food is imported versus produced locally?

    2)The Hawaiians respect taro very much because it is believed that it is man's older brother. Does it share the same amount of significance to the Mortlockese? How does it differ?

  3. Dance:

    1) The Tokia dance (stick dance) was traditionally used as a form of intense training for the young warrior men. Since then, has the dance influenced other members of society other than warrior men? Are women allowed to dance it?

    2) Is dancing a huge part of your culture? For example, the hula was a huge part of Hawaiian culture. Has dance had as much of an impact or history on the shaping of your culture?

  4. Love:

    1. By keeping the restrictions on men and women spending time alone together, are the family members protecting the women's dignity or the family's image?

    2. Do divorces occur often in your society? Do women ever file for divorce?

  5. Food:

    1. Why has there been a sudden increase in the consumption of imported food? Why do you think it is important to revive the consumption of local food?

    2. What is the Apuch fruit? Recently, why have people stopped eating it as much as they used to?

  6. Love:

    1. Do you think that the fact that men and women can't see each other often creates a stronger bond between a couple? Conversely do you think it can hinder the bond? Do the restrictions on seeing each other apply to married couples as well?

    2. Is it possible for women to be friends with other men? If so, how might that possibly come about if men and women aren't allowed to be seen with one another in public?

  7. 1. What are the specialty foods of Mortlock? What would you cook for a special event?

    2. Which is more popular: the local foods or the imported foods?

  8. Religion:

    1. How did the typhoon effect the faith that the Mortlock people had in Christianity? Were the disappointed that the priests failed to show up until 1911?

    2. How have the conditions improved overtime thanks to efforts of the people of faith, the Germans, and any others? What is it like today?

  9. 1. What is the Mortlockese impression of the rest of the world, in particularly America, coming from such a tiny, isolated island community?

    2. Does the repetitiveness of the Mortlock diet have any effect on their health? Do they contract any unusual ailments (compared to people living in Hawaii) due to any other factors aside from diet?
