Monday, April 18, 2011

Igor from the Soviet Union/ 7:30 Wednesday

Post your 2 questions on this blog for Igor (5pts)


  1. From Max:

    What does Russia think of America?

    Do you think Russia has a morally correct government

  2. Manners, Customs, and Traditions:

    1. Why is the Russian New Year the main holiday in Russian culture? What kinds of activities or events do you participate in to celebrate this holiday?

    2. What is the significance of Matryoshka, or nesting dolls? What makes it so popular in Russia?

  3. History:

    In the US, we think that Russian Communism was wrong. How do Russians view this portion of their history?

    Why has invading Russia been so costly (ie. Napoleon or Hitler)?

  4. Culture:

    1. The bear is often a symbol for Russia. What are your thoughts and feelings about this representation/interpretation of Russia?

    2. What role do women play in Russian society? What place do they hold within the family?

  5. 1. Is the stereotype that Russians drink a lot, true?
    2. If so, why?

  6. 1. We consider America to be a 'melting pot' of many different ethnicities. Would you consider Russia to be ethnically diverse?

    2. What are some of the best/most popular tourist attractions in Russia? Are there any that you'd recommend us to see if we were to visit?

  7. 1. What do you think is the highlight of Russian history so far? What do you think is the best thing the Russian people or government has done so far?
    2. What do you think are the main differences between the culture of Russia and the culture of the US, if any?

  8. Food:

    I read that you have a special dish that is served at weddings know as the Russian Karavai. What kind of work goes into the making of this dish? Is there a reason it is prepared for weddings?

    Since Russia is known as the Rye Empire to some people, do you think that rye has affected the life style and culture of Russians in a specific way? Does the fact that Russia produces so much rye show any type of insight into your culture?

  9. 1. I have heard that many people in russia do not smile as much as people in America. Is this true?

  10. What is the most popular dish to eat in Russia?

    What are the biggest festivals in russia? what are they like?
